Owners and Racing Personnel
All Horsemen, particularly Owners, are of the utmost important to Plumpton Racecourse and we are grateful for you choosing to run your horse/s at one or more of our 17 race days throughout the year.
Appreciating that racehorse ownership now comes in many forms, we try to ensure we can accommodate all owner groups on a raceday to the best of our ability. Full owners and trainers information can be found below. However, if you are attending and have any special requests or queries before you visit, please do not hesitate to get in touch with by either calling 01273 890383 or emailing owners@plumptonracecourse.co.uk
We encourage you to contact us with any feedback that you may have following your visit too. All feedback is key to our development and we thank you in advance for taking the time to do so.
Thank you again for your continued support and we look forward to welcoming you on course.

We hope your horse runs well, comes home safely and you have a great day with us. Each horse’s ownership shall receive:
- 8 badges per runner – each will have racecourse entry, a racecard, access to the Owners & Trainers Bar and Parade Ring and a meal voucher to be used in the O&T Bar.
However, we appreciate ownership is changing and we recognise that more people are involved in owning individual horses and we want them to see their horse run where we can. In allowing increased numbers to attend, unfortunately we have to change the allocation allowance in the Owners & Trainers Bar as we cannot accommodate everyone in the available space. And so for this season, if your allocation is going to exceed the 8 tickets offered above, we will offer Owners the chance to choose one of the following ways to access the racecourse instead:
- 4 badges as above and 8 Grandstand & Paddock admission badges; or
- 16 General Admission Badges – 12 may have Parade Ring access, but unfortunately there is no Owners & Trainers Bar access.
Please note these allocations cannot vary due to the capacity limitations in both the Owners & Trainers Room and Parade Ring.
Whilst we fully appreciate the desire for everyone to have access to the Owners & Trainers Bar, we have limited space in the Owners & Trainers Room and so cannot allocate further badges on safety grounds, but also to try and ensure the best experience for those who attend. Similarly, whilst we would like to get everyone into the Parade Ring to see their horse, we do have a capacity in the Parade Ring too and we must also have the horses welfare as a primary concern and so not overcrowd them.
Extra Badges for Owners can be purchased at a reduced rate of £10 per person, but these are for General Admission only and will not give Parade Ring or Owners Bar access.
Please upload all owners details to PASS by 4pm the day before racing.

We reserve a table for owners in our Paddock Restaurant (non-feature days) and the Final Fence Restaurant (feature days) at a reduced rate.
For more information, please do email us on owners@plumptonracecourse.co.uk or call our office on 01273 890383 and a member of the team will be happy to assist.

Due to being land locked, we can unfortunately only accommodate 4 car parking spaces per runner, so please do park elsewhere if you are not in the allotted Owners distribution.
Please note if you are an ROA member without a horse running today, we sadly cannot accommodate you in the Owners & Trainers Car Park.

We have heavily invested in O&Ts facilities over the recent years and we hope to be able to welcome you to the racecourse and showcase them in person.

We invite connections of the winning horse for a glass of champagne and to watch replays of the race back in our dedicated Winning Connections facility.
All winners on the day will receive a trophy, a framed photo of their horse and also a USB stick with the race replay on it.

For those horses that finish in the top four, enjoy a glass of prosecco while watching replays of the race in our Placed Connections facility.

The latest Going information and live weather data from Plumpton is here
Race times for the upcoming raceday can be found on our fixture page

Welfare is absolutely paramount here at Plumpton. and we are proud to support the industry's "A Life Well Lived" campaign, which you can read about here, and also the Retraining of Racehorses
One of the ways we help support ex-racehorses is our new Retired Racehorse stable, which can be found next to the Parade Ring. Each raceday, we host a retired racehorse for the day and members of the public can come and interact with them.

Any owners with accessibility needs can email the racecourse before your trip at owners@plumptonracecourse.co.uk and we will be glad to assist you in making sure you have a truly enjoyable day. More information on accessibility at Plumpton can be found here.
More information on accessibility at Plumpton can be found here.

We will be happy to help with questions and you can either email the team at owners@plumptonracecourse.co.uk or call 01273 890383.